In the end, it's a fantastic Evangelion kit, and it's personally one of my favorite model kits that i've ever built to date, it is a little pricey, but I personally think it's overall worth the finished product. The gimmicks and armor features are very nice too, and combined with that articulation, you'd really have little reason not to pick this guy up. It's also not fiddly at all, with a solid build, it holds poses very well, and does not feel like it's going to flop around at all.

I especially love the amount of sheer parts on this kit, one of the problems with the old LM-HG's were the intense amount of stickers and color inaccuracies they had, this kit fixes almost all of it, it's got pre-painted parts, and uses zero stickers as most Kotobukiya kits do, which is something I love. I've got very little issues with this guy, those issues being the inaccurate looking proportions, as well as the minor missing color apps, but I can let that pass. It's got very little to complain about, and has almost everything you'd really want from a modern Evangelion Unit 01 kit.
#Bandai eva 01 hg colorguide tv
The Kotobukiya Evangelion Unit 01 TV Ver. Hopefully this will mean that Kotobukiya is using those movie's proportions as a universal Eva basis, and will later produce more TV Evangelions, i'd certainly be waiting for that! They don't resemble the lanky, thin, and skinny proportions of the Evas in the original show, and line up more with Unit 02's redesign for the End Of Evangelion movie. I do have one gripe with the kit, and that is the proportions. It doesn't feel very hollow if at all, and the plastic quality used is top notch, I can swing it around slightly and nothing really goes out of place, it's a model kit that I would actually play with. The kit is also very solid, it's one of the most solid kits i've ever owned, and I own over 70.
#Bandai eva 01 hg colorguide manual
Speaking of the arms, there is a section that the manual tells you that you might want to cement, but personally I didn't use it, and it stayed on just as well, so it's not a necessity by any means. The arms are asymmetrical, so they look a lot more natural and organic. This alone deserves a lot of praise, and if you notice the legs, the seamlines are actually used to create the panel lines in the front area, which looks really awesome. Yep, this is all plastic color separation, and the green on the chin as well as the eyes are pre-painted parts. There are a few minor missing color apps, most noticeably the orange on the knee, however all can be forgiven considering the fact this kit uses zero stickers. OOB, and this guy looks really good as a kit.